Thursday, January 22, 2009


This Year we had less family with us for Christmas. It was a small but happy group. We also had the blessing of focusing more on giving than getting this year as we did a special project as a family...and focused more on needs than wants for the year.

Sometimes turns in the economy...and I little less robustness means we are blessed to know what is really important and not trying so hard to keep up with the Joneses...

Our one family splurge gift was Rock Band...we all enjoyed our turn to perform and work time is the best time...Grandma and Grandpa came over later with Dance Dance Revolution for us too. We enjoyed Dinner and time together as a family...

Branden and his family and Sean and Liza arrived a few days later. We got to celebrate Christmas again...they came to celebrate Lauren and Steve going through the temple and being sealed....


Becca's Blog said...

Yeah! I love when you make blog posts. It looked like a perfect Christmas! Hats off to keeping life more simple! Love you Sherry

Pegasus !4 U said...

I love you...I wish I could do this more...I will be sad I didnt...I wish I didnt get tired...Love to read yours though