Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Have to vote today...

Although I feel like it is not a real vote since UT always goes Republican anyway...I still feel that it is a huge responsibility and you have to make the right choice...

What do you do when the right choice is not offered...geez

I took a poll and I was 83% for one and 65% for the other...neither one of those are scores I am excited about...

We are facing unemployment here...and that is scary. Both of us are in vulnerable industries...

It is so real to me, and I need to feel that I can take care of my family...I need this country to do what we have been counseled to do...get out of debt, stay out of debt...do not go into debt even for a good cause like food storage...do what we can afford.

I want to do good things in the world...but I want to be able to do what we can afford.

I want to pay my share. I am happy to. I want everyone to be happy to. I have such idealistic thinking...

What if we all paid 10% and only spent what we had...where is that candidate, if you find them...they have my vote.

Still undecided at the midnight hour...


1 comment:

Marci said...

Joseph Smith...who ran as a theocrat. I think the 10% idea is fabulous; maybe you should run. I know exactly what you mean about not being sure how to vote, though you know you should and need to. I have a few more hours to think it over.