March 29th is the 25th anniversary of the entrance of one of the most phenomenal people I know...He came in the late afternoon...I really wanted to have him when I had some help...so I decided to let Dr. Small, who was a huge man...with huge hands, induce labor...the San Bernardino Hospital had just gotten in a new birthing chair and Dr Small was dying to try it out...I was just dying to have it out...so we were the perfect pair. The nurse, the wisest of the three of us, suggested that I might not want to have a baby so early, that it was going to be a much longer labor...and was I sure...I assured her this was the best idea Dr. Small had ever had...I called my mother who made the 2.5 hour drive to baby sit Branden...she came alone, which is not common. Off Bill and I went to the hospital. I was to be induced...when I arrived they asked Bill to sit in the waiting room and that they would come and get him when he could come in. I did not like that idea too much...but it was hospital policy (This hospital had some really strange policies. They had told me earlier that week that they would give me a non smoking room IF one was available. Most of the patients smoked though so I may have a problem. I had battled my way into a private room, if needed...took several chats with several administrators and finally I dealt with the guy in the corner office who complimented me on my persistence, he got me my very own non smoking ward) Anyways, we trundled off to the hospital, I got to ride in the car this time…we only had one car and so I usually walked where I needed to go with Branden and Tanner, our cocker spaniel, When we arrived they sent Bill on his way and I had to don a hospital gown and then they broke my water, and an IV of petosin was inserted in my arm. I asked about my husband…and was assured that a nurse had gone after him. I had about a half an hour before I was really uncomfortable, Bill had not come back yet…I asked again and they said they would go and find him…I was annoyed, but was not in a position to go and get him myself so I had to cooperate. Another 30 minutes passed and I was not able to manage the pain…I was scared and alone and started crying…I had had a baby before and this was different, pain was different…there was a pressure and sharp pain that did not seem right, and I was frightened. I rang the nurse and told her something was wrong and wanted to know where my husband was…she said they would go find him…I said you have said that before…she came in the room to check me and told me all babies were different and I was fine…I didn’t feel fine, I told her I wanted my husband…she said she would see what she could do…I did the try to be brave thing…it didn’t last long…it seemed like an hour but it was probably 5 minutes later I started screaming…For Bill, for a doctor, for anybody…the little graph they allow you to watch that measures contractions…was doubled up and peaking off the chart (Why do they have those little graphs anyway…sorta sadistic if you ask me, but it does justify the screaming in some way..I guess.) When the screaming began…I got better service…someone went and found Bill, and he came in the room..as did several nurses and soon the Big man, Dr. Small arrived on the scene. I was dilated to a 5 and it was time to move to the chair…The Dr. was excited…they wheeled me into the delivery room and had me get into a dentist’s chair…moving from a bed to a dentist’s chair in transition is not a graceful event…I managed it, but not without some humiliation and a lot of squawking… Bill was in charge of keeping me calm…poor man…as I had abandoned calm somewhere in the lonely minutes in the labor room…Bill is talking to me and I am not cooperating, and then suddenly the Big Man pushed some button and the bottom of the chair vanished…That was different, the Dr needs to check to see how things are progressing…he began his exam and I screamed loudly that I didn’t want him touching me…the pain was unmanageable and I was very loud…I remember a nurse telling me there was a first time mom in the next room that I was frightening, and I didn’t care, and told her so…I said she wasn’t my responsibility between clenched teeth…I also remember Bill was smart enough to stay out of the conversation. He was on my team. The Dr. attempted to check me again and I screamed at him not to touch me EVER again …He put his foot up on the chair and pushed way back on his wheeled stool and launched himself into the middle of the room and said fine do it yourself….That seemed the right option to me at the time so I said I would…
A couple minutes later the Dr decided to help me out, which was good since I hadn’t ever had a baby in a dentist’s chair before. As My sweet baby tried to crown, the Dr. realized that there was a problem…there had been an error made during my last delivery that was causing the pain and not allowing him to come easily…Once discovered he was able to help me more, my son was born and he was a healthy boy….he cried just a little…they swept him away to check him…and he got two perfect tens on his apgar scores…and he was a big healthy boy…9 lbs 6 ozs. They took me to my private ward after allowing me to hold that precious boy for a few minutes… He was a big boy, he had a very large head, which accounts for his brilliant mind, and clear hair, it lloked like fish line...he was so blond. I remember being surprised at how different he looked from his brother and that somehow I thought they would be like cookie cutters. My heart went out to my small boy, he was very bruised on his head and face from not being able to get through to his new world...it was a very hard day for my son...I cried at how much it must have hurt him to come to the world and be with us...he was very tired. I was worried about him recovering as he looked like a prize fighter who had fought all 10 rounds...
After the birth, Bill went home to Branden and I was alone in my private ward…four beds in it…but no roommates cause everyone did smoke who had babies…weird place, San Bernardino. Anyway…I wanted my baby…I walked to the nursery and looked through the window at my baby…he was wrapped up all snug…perfect…then he started coughing…and he seemed distressed…there was no nurse in the nursery and I was frantic…I banged on the window…and ran to the next window where two nurses were chatting…I banged and pointed…somehow this communicated what was needed and one nurse returned to my boy’s nursery and checked on him, turns out he was fine by then…but I demanded that they bring him to my room…(also not the hospital policy) but they brought him and maybe it was us two who invented rooming in.. I loved the time I had to spend with him and that he was near me. He was a good sleeper and calm. An amazingly easy baby.
Bill and my mom brought Branden to visit me…Guess what…this was against their policy too…so Branden didn’t get to see his baby brother, that day…but I went out and saw my big boy…and the nurse caught me…and they scolded me and made me wash with bedadine soap before they would let me hold Sean again, they took away his isolette until I obeyed…I told them I thought that my infant was at far greater risk in a smoke filled hospital than being touched by his mother who had held his big brother…They didn’t see my point…so I had a kinda funny tan, but I got my baby back.
The next morning I was to go home…and they said I could…but Sean had to stay, it was..uh huh policy for them to stay 48 hours…I cried again ( I , I had to go home, we had very limited insurance and couldn't afford to be in the hospital any longer, and I did not want to leave my baby, I would have no way to visit him unless I walked and I had Branden at home, Bill had no time off and my mother was needed at home...Jon was only 18 months old…I called my dad and he told me that they could not keep my baby, without a health reason…I told him they said I couldn’t take him out of the hospital. He told me to call the business office and tell them that they could keep the baby as long as they understood that we would not be paying a penny after that moment…I did it…and guess what…they let me take him home that very hour…amazing huh? My dad seemed to better grasp that policy than I did. :)
Sean was the most peaceful baby…when you held him you could feel peace. As an infant he slept easily and he woke pleasant and he was patient and so happy…he is a blessing to all of us…and it started early on. He still is a calming influence in the lives of those that know and love him. He is probably a calming influence on those that don’t know him too.
This is Sean’s beginning story…he has a most wonderful bunch of stories , he was a wonderful baby, a tender toddler, a fun child, a supportive teenager and is a wonderful man…
I love you Sean!!
A couple minutes later the Dr decided to help me out, which was good since I hadn’t ever had a baby in a dentist’s chair before. As My sweet baby tried to crown, the Dr. realized that there was a problem…there had been an error made during my last delivery that was causing the pain and not allowing him to come easily…Once discovered he was able to help me more, my son was born and he was a healthy boy….he cried just a little…they swept him away to check him…and he got two perfect tens on his apgar scores…and he was a big healthy boy…9 lbs 6 ozs. They took me to my private ward after allowing me to hold that precious boy for a few minutes… He was a big boy, he had a very large head, which accounts for his brilliant mind, and clear hair, it lloked like fish line...he was so blond. I remember being surprised at how different he looked from his brother and that somehow I thought they would be like cookie cutters. My heart went out to my small boy, he was very bruised on his head and face from not being able to get through to his new world...it was a very hard day for my son...I cried at how much it must have hurt him to come to the world and be with us...he was very tired. I was worried about him recovering as he looked like a prize fighter who had fought all 10 rounds...
After the birth, Bill went home to Branden and I was alone in my private ward…four beds in it…but no roommates cause everyone did smoke who had babies…weird place, San Bernardino. Anyway…I wanted my baby…I walked to the nursery and looked through the window at my baby…he was wrapped up all snug…perfect…then he started coughing…and he seemed distressed…there was no nurse in the nursery and I was frantic…I banged on the window…and ran to the next window where two nurses were chatting…I banged and pointed…somehow this communicated what was needed and one nurse returned to my boy’s nursery and checked on him, turns out he was fine by then…but I demanded that they bring him to my room…(also not the hospital policy) but they brought him and maybe it was us two who invented rooming in.. I loved the time I had to spend with him and that he was near me. He was a good sleeper and calm. An amazingly easy baby.
Bill and my mom brought Branden to visit me…Guess what…this was against their policy too…so Branden didn’t get to see his baby brother, that day…but I went out and saw my big boy…and the nurse caught me…and they scolded me and made me wash with bedadine soap before they would let me hold Sean again, they took away his isolette until I obeyed…I told them I thought that my infant was at far greater risk in a smoke filled hospital than being touched by his mother who had held his big brother…They didn’t see my point…so I had a kinda funny tan, but I got my baby back.
The next morning I was to go home…and they said I could…but Sean had to stay, it was..uh huh policy for them to stay 48 hours…I cried again ( I , I had to go home, we had very limited insurance and couldn't afford to be in the hospital any longer, and I did not want to leave my baby, I would have no way to visit him unless I walked and I had Branden at home, Bill had no time off and my mother was needed at home...Jon was only 18 months old…I called my dad and he told me that they could not keep my baby, without a health reason…I told him they said I couldn’t take him out of the hospital. He told me to call the business office and tell them that they could keep the baby as long as they understood that we would not be paying a penny after that moment…I did it…and guess what…they let me take him home that very hour…amazing huh? My dad seemed to better grasp that policy than I did. :)
Sean was the most peaceful baby…when you held him you could feel peace. As an infant he slept easily and he woke pleasant and he was patient and so happy…he is a blessing to all of us…and it started early on. He still is a calming influence in the lives of those that know and love him. He is probably a calming influence on those that don’t know him too.
This is Sean’s beginning story…he has a most wonderful bunch of stories , he was a wonderful baby, a tender toddler, a fun child, a supportive teenager and is a wonderful man…
I love you Sean!!
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